ON.SYSTEMS improves the life quality and personal well-being by transforming simple spaces into immersive and multi-sensory places.
Our solutions are the result of research and development in the residential, corporate and nautical fields, during the years, they combine the best technological components with a high level tailoring design.
The technical-aesthetic result obtained by our engineers and architects over the years has reached a level of such refinement as to be called “Design Technology”.
ON.SYSTEMS blends technology and design to transform the mundane into multi-sensory spaces in which to immerse oneself. Thanks to ON. it is very simple to manage a single object or create customized configurations, the so-called “scenarios”, which activate or regulate connected devices, such as lights, curtains, audio, video, controlled sockets, fragrances, etc.
ON. is better than any other competing product thanks to the system’s total scalability.
With the unique features of ON. , along with the intuitive interface, anyone with a basic knowledge on how to use a tablet or smart phone can intervene on site or remotely to customize the connected devices.
We have been creating home theatres for over 15 years. Our team possesses the necessary skills and qualifications to transform any space into the perfect environment for the best cinema experience.
The innovative approach of our professionals in integrating systems and the services they offer, aims to not only satisfy our clients, but to go beyond their expectations both in terms of technology and design. After a careful analysis of the needs, we proceed to the selection of the best technological components to package the final product in a workmanlike manner.
Your cinematic experience is of the highest level of image quality thanks to the life-like colours derived from the perfect combination of screen, projector and surrounding ambiance. Analysis of the room’s structure allows us to define certain essential parameters. These being: viewing angle, screen dimension, luminosity, video formats.
A sound that can best reproduce the mightiest explosions or the slightest whisper during a dialogue is determined by the speakers that are installed, by their correct positioning and above all it is determined by the quality of the materials used to sound-proof the room and by the studies that were made in the project phase, taking into account the shape of the room to yield the best acoustics possible.
The drafting of the project is based on a concept – a theme, an initial idea. Our designers then develop the project working closely with the client choosing all the materials including the ones necessary for the most appropriate acoustical treatment, the textiles for the furnishing, acoustically transparent, the motorised ergonomic seating and all the necessary requirements to expertly achieve the whole project.
The ability to automatically change the staging of the lights is a defining factor of the different phases experienced in the cinema room. The varied lighting in fact creates the perfect mood as spectator enter, in the process of choosing the film, in a moment of pause and after the screening.
Our R&D team designs and develops innovative solutions for air treatment and for effective heat recovery. Our high-efficiency systems provide the air changes required for the environment and a precise temperature control.
Closed environments like a cinema hall require specific know-how to maintain a correct level of oxygen and consequent reduction of contaminants.
Through the integration of the latest generation of diffusion systems we are able to obtain multi-sensor multi-channel scenarios based on ta pre-determined and pre-defined release of fragrances.
Not a simple scenting of the environment, but a real olfactory direction able to embellish the movie watching experience that amplifies the view’s emotion and memory of the event.
High level of technology should not necessarily require a high level of difficulty in use.
The entire system must be easily managed by those who want to enjoy a show in their theatre. Our solutions allow for the use of control devices like tablets, smartphones or even dedicated remote controls that guarantee an unrivalled simplicity and total reliability.